// Lifeforms detected on-boad the Wellington, captain decides to send awayteam
// to help the crew of the Wellington
// send away team = co 2 cv 0 en 0 si 4 su 2 ta 1
#crewComp,2 0 0 4 2 1,
// Able to send awayteam to Wellingon - get report
// Can't send awayteam so captain decides to tow the Wellington
// Can't detect lifeforms so captain decides to tow the Wellington
// Starship goes un-detected
// Starship is DETECTED!!
// this triggers the Conflict Res Overlay!
// if you survive, we return to these messages
// Tracterbeams engaged
// Can not tow
// ========================================
// Close Mission Phase on #closeMission
//lets try shifting away from dest before flying back
#departArea,Move us out of the area.,
#otherSpeaks,Plot coordinates for return.,
#returnStarBase,200 : 200,
// dumXHistory,-,
// MSG Table
<MSG00 = [1:"Rescued crew from the Wellington.", 2:"Wellington in tow.", 3:"Avoided Romulan encounter."]>
<MSG01 = Prepare for departure.>
<MSG02 = Begin undocking procedure>
<MSG03 = Engage! <Hear=process>>
<MSG04 = Initiate a long range scan.<SWAP=activeShip;scan> Locate the U.S.S. Wellington.>
<MSG05 = Tracking the USS Wellington’s location.>
<MSG06 = Scanners not picking up their position. Their engines must be out.>
<MSG07 = See if an RF scan will pick up their distress beacon.<SWAP=activeShip;scan>>
<MSG08 = Tracking the frequency to get an approximate fix on their whereabouts.>
<MSG09 = We are having trouble locking on to the Wellington's signal. Proceed carefully towards the Romulan Neutral Zone.>
<MSG10 = We have arrived at the Romulan Neutral Zone. The Wellington looks very quiet. No response to hails. Something is wrong.<Hear=link>>
<MSG11 = Investigate the status of the Wellington. Are any of the crew still alive?>
// Execute Mission Cmd MSGs
<MSG12 = <SWAP=active_ship;icon>Maneuver alongside the Wellington so that we may investigate further.>
<MSG13 = <SWAP=Target;XYZ123_icon@SWAP=active_ship;scan> The USS Wellington has sustained major structural damage.>
<MSG14 = <SWAP=active_ship;icon>Scan detects 12 lifeforms. Vital signs are weak. Sending away team to investigate.>
<MSG15 = Get the team and equipment ready to beam down to the Wellington.>
<MSG16 = Away Team reports: Life support systems are down. We’ve located 12 federation personnel in Cargo Bay 2. They are unconscious but are still alive. Lock on coordinates and beam to sickbay immediately.>
<MSG17 = Medical Team reports: Transport successful. Tricorder readings indicate respiratory alkalosis. There is a disproportionate level of carbonic acid in the extra-cellular fluid. Initiating oxygen therapy and assessing cellular damage.>
<MSG18 = Captain to away team: Investigate the Wellington for any signs of intruders.>
<MSG19 = Away team to captain: There are no signs of intruders aboard this vessel. The ship’s computer reveals an unprovoked attack by a Romulan Bird-of-Prey.>
<MSG20 = Captain to away team: Return immediately. Let’s tow this ship away from the Neutral Zone at once.>
<MSG21 = Captain to crew: We are not able to send an away team to rescue the survivors. We must get the Wellington away from the Neutral Zone at once.>
<MSG22 = Captain to crew: We do not detect any lifeforms aboard the ship. Tow this ship out of the Romulan neutral zone at once.>
<MSG23 = Attempt to avoid detection by the Romulans. If we can slip out of here undetected we can complete our mission peacefully.<HEAR=link>>
<MSG24 = Red alert. Setting auxiliary power to shields.<Hear=action>>
<MSG25 = Attempt to lock Tractor beams onto the Wellington. Impulse engines ready.>
<MSG26 = We’ve encountered a Romulan border security system. Attempting to traverse without alerting the border patrol.>
<MSG27 = Looks like we have avoided detection by the Romulans.>
<MSG28 = The Wellington is in tow.<SWAP=Target;DestMark_icon@HEAR=success>>
// Close Mission Cmd MSGs
<MSG29 = <CANC=romulan@SWAP=Target;Starbase_icon>Departing for starbase.>
<MSG30 = Set our course for home and engage warp drive.>
<MSG31 = Prepare for arrival.>
// Some message MSGs that are used in the event / cmd initialization - this area subject to change
<MO_HQ_EV4 = Equipment malfunction prevents towing the Wellington back to Starbase. Should we remain here or return to base?,
#closeMission, -,Return to base., #simOver,-,Stay there.,#HQCmd4,>
<MO_HQ_EV5 = ALERT: Warp engines not responding. Possible subsystem inadequacies or damage. Refer to System Performance Analysis in the outcome report for symptoms.,
#otherSpeaks,-,Ignore and carry on., #simOver ,-,Stop mission., #HQCmd5,>
<MO_HQ_EV6 =Vessel suffered an unrepairable failure. Mission cannot proceed. Make sure appropriate systems and crew are present.,